James Derulo's



Hey, so first post of the blog and I'm going to open it up talking about what I'm currently working on and my experimentation with Z-brush! I think Z-Brush is very very fun... it was hard to get adjusted to how to use it as I'm still currently figuring it out so I decided to take my time and make a project that I could fully use most of the features. I took a stab at trying to recreate Frostmourne from World of Warcraft.

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Center Detail


Frostmourne was the runeblade that Ner'zhul, the Lich King, thrust from the Frozen Throne, intending that Arthas Menethil — his unwitting potential host — would discover it on the continent of Northrend. It was wielded by Arthas, the new Lich King, until it was destroyed following his defeat in Icecrown Citadel.A gold plated replica of Frostmourne's hilt is now on display in Dalaran held in place on the statue of Tirion Fordring. The shards of the weapon are used in World of Warcraft: Legion to forge the artifacts Icebringer & Soulreaper for Frost Death Knights.

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